
Hernia After C-Section: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Research Based
Medically reviewed by - Dr Rabia Akram, MD Written by - Dr. Diksha Sangle


Hernia After C-Section

Childbirth by cesarean section, commonly called C-section, is a medical procedure that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. C-sections are often performed for various medical reasons; like any surgical procedure, there are associated risks and complications. One such complication that can occur after a C-section is a hernia.

Childbirth by cesarean section, commonly called C-section, is a medical procedure that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. C-sections are often performed for various medical reasons; like any surgical procedure, there are associated risks and complications.

A hernia is a medical disorder in which an organ or tissue protrudes through a weakness or opening in the muscle or connective tissue surrounding it. In C-sections, hernias that develop afterward are hernias or incisional hernias after the C-section. We will explore how it can occur, the risk factors, common symptoms to watch for, diagnosis, available treatment options, and post-operative care.

The Connection

The Connection between C-Section & Hernia

This lies in the surgical process and the changes it introduced to the abdominal wall. Here is an explanation of this connection:

The incision in the abdominal wall

  • To deliver the baby, a surgical incision is made into the uterus and abdominal wall during a C-section.
  • This disrupts the normal integrity of the abdominal muscles and connective tissue.

Weakened abdominal wall

  • The incision site, while carefully sutured and closed after the procedure, may still result in weakened or compromised abdominal muscles and fascia (the connective tissue that surrounds muscles).
  • This weakening can create vulnerabilities in the abdominal wall.

Pressure and strain

  • After a C-section, the abdominal muscles experience increased pressure and strain, especially during activities requiring core strength, such as lifting, bending, or coughing.

Risk of herniation

  • Combining weakened abdominal structures and increased intra-abdominal pressure can create favorable conditions for Hernia.
  • They can occur when internal organs or tissue protrude through these areas in the abdominal wall.

Location of incisional Hernia

  • They typically occur near or at the site of the C-section incision.
  • They can manifest as bulges or lumps under the skin and may cause pain or discomfort. 4 The Connection | Researched based study from ScienceDirect


Symptoms of Hernia after C-Section

  • Pain and discomfort
  • Swelling or bulge
  • Tenderness
  • Changes in appearance
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Discomfort during activities
  • Changes in size or shape

Following a C section, the following typical signs of a hernia may appear:

Pain and discomfort

  • You may experience pain or discomfort near the C-section scar or in the abdominal area.
  • From mild to severe, this pain might come on suddenly or gradually.


  • A noticeable bulge or lump may develop at or near the C-section incision.
  • When you strain or stand up straight, as well as when you lie down, this bulge may become more noticeable.


  • The area around it may become tender or sensitive to touch. You might feel discomfort when you press on or around the bulge.

Changes in appearance

  • The appearance of the scar may change. It may look distorted or irregular due to the protrusion of tissue through the weekend wall.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

  • It can sometimes lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or changes in bowel habits.
  • These may become more common if the tissue becomes trapped or incarcerated.

Discomfort during activities

  • Activities that pressure the abdominal area, such as lifting heavy objects or coughing, may lessen the discomfort or cause pain at the site.

Changes in size or shape

  • The size and shape of the bulge may change over time, becoming more noticeable or increasing as the Hernia progresses. 1 Symptoms | Researched based study from National Institutes of Health , 2 Symptoms | Researched based study from National Institutes of Health

 How severe is Hernia after a C-section?

  • The severity can change according on the type of hernia, its size, location, symptoms, and if it has become imprisoned or strangulated, among other considerations.


What Causes Hernia after C-Section?

Surgical technique

  • The surgical technique used during the C-section can influence the risk of a hernia.
  • Strategies that involve a larger incision or multiple incisions may increase the risk.


  • This places additional strain on the abdominal muscles and connective tissue.
  • These structures can become weakened and more prone to herniation as a result of excessive body weight.


  • Advanced age, particularly for women over 35, may be associated with a higher risk.

Multiple pregnancies

  • Women who have had multiple pregnancies, especially if they have undergone various C-sections, may have an increased risk of hernia development due to repeated stress on the abdominal wall.

Infection or complications

  • Postoperative complications such as infections or poor wound healing can increase the risk.

Chronic coughing or straining

  • Chronic coughing or straining can cause the abdominal muscles to experience repetitive stress, which can lead to the development of hernias.
  • These conditions include smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and constipation.

Genetic predisposition

  • Some persons may be genetically predisposed to developing hernias, making them more likely to do so following surgery.

Pregnancy-related factors

  • Larger babies, multiple pregnancies, or a history of high-risk pregnancy can increase the risk.

Strenuous activities

  • Engaging in heavy lifting or strainers physical activity soon after a C-section before the abdominal muscles have had sufficient time to heal can increase the risk.

Lifestyle factors

  • Smoking and inadequate nutrition can hinder the healing of tissues and may promote the development of hernias. 3 Causes | Researched based study from ScienceDirect,4 Causes | Researched based study from ScienceDirect, 2 Causes | Researched based study from National Institutes of Health


Hernia After C-Section: Diagnosis

Clinical examination

  • The doctor will often conduct a physical examination. They will enquire about your health background and symptoms.

Visual inspection

  • During the examination, the healthcare provider with a visually impaired area pays close attention to the C-section scar site.
  • They can ask you to cough or stretch, which occasionally makes the hernia more noticeable.


  • The provider will gently press on and around the area of concern.
  • They will assess for tenderness and feel for any bulging or irregularities in the abdominal wall.

Imaging studies

  • It is occasionally necessary to order imaging studies to verify the diagnosis and assess the size and placement. Typical imaging techniques include:


  • This examination produces images of the abdomen using sound waves.

CT scan (computed tomography)

  • An abdominal region’s detailed cross-sectional images from a CT scan can be used to evaluate the area and any prospective consequences.

MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging)

  • In some circumstances, MRI scans are useful because they can provide extra details about the hernia and the tissues around it.

Differential diagnosis

  • Consider other conditions that can cause symptoms similar to those of a hernia, such as muscle strains or other abdominal wall issues.
  • The goal of the diagnostic process is to eliminate these potential diagnoses. 5 Diagnosis| Researched based study from National Institutes of Health


Hernia after C-Section Treatment

Observation and lifestyle changes during treatment

  • Small, asymptomatic hernias might not need surgery right away. Your healthcare provider may recommend monitoring the Hernia while making lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of its worsening.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding strenuous exercise, and treating diseases like chronic cough or constipation are examples of this.

Belt or support for hernia

  • Sometimes supporting the abdominal wall and easing discomfort can be accomplished by wearing a hernia belt or truss.
  • Usually, those who are not surgical candidates or those who are awaiting surgery are advised to do this.

Surgical repair (herniorrhaphy or hernioplasty)

  • It is the most common definitive treatment for Hernia after a C-section.
  • Depending on the size, location, and the surgeon’s preference, the repair can be done through open or minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.
  • The surgeon will reposition the projecting tissues and strengthen the weak abdominal wall using sutures, mesh, or other materials during the treatment.
  • Laparoscopic surgery involves smaller incisions and may offer quicker recovery times and less scarring than open surgery.

Emergency surgery (for incarcerated Hernia)

  • If the hernia becomes strangulated (the blood supply to the herniated tissue is impaired) or imprisoned (the trapped tissue cannot be pushed back into the abdomen), immediate surgery is required.
  • This is a serious problem that needs to be treated by a doctor right now. 5 Treatment| Researched based study from National Institutes of Health


Hernia After C-Section: Recovery & Postoperative Care

Hospital stay and discharge

  • The majority of hernia repair procedures are outpatient, so you can anticipate leaving the hospital the same day as the surgery or the day after.
  • Sometimes, especially if you have other medical issues or difficulties, you might need to spend the night in the hospital.

Treatment of pain

  • After surgery, you’ll probably feel some pain and discomfort. To address this, your healthcare practitioner will prescribe painkillers.
  • Take pain medications as prescribed and follow any recommendations for over-the-counter pain relief.

Activity restrictions

  • Avoid strainer activities and heavy lifting sizes that engage the abdominal muscles for the recommended period specified by your surgeon. Typically, this may be for a few weeks.
  • Gradually resume light activities and increase your activity level as advised.

Diet and hydration

  • Follow your surgeon’s recommendations, including a soft diet or nutritional restrictions immediately after surgery.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid carbonated beverages that cause gas and discomfort.

Bowel movements

  • Anesthesia and painkillers used during surgery might cause constipation. Your surgeon may recommend tools, softeners, or tips to help prevent it.
  • Reintroduce high-fiber foods into your diet gradually to encourage normal bowel motions.

Incision care

  • Keep an eye out for infections at the incision site, such as redness, swelling, heightened discomfort, or discharge.
  • Keep the incision site protected from excessive moisture and avoid exposure to direct sunlight unless fully healed.

Driving and returning to work

  • Please consult with your surgeon about when it is safe to resume driving and return to work.
  • This may depend on your work type and the specific surgical procedure.

Physical activity and exercise

  • Gradually introduce physical activity and exercise following your surgeon’s guidance.

C-section after hernia mesh repair

  • If your hernia repair involved the use of surgical mesh, your surgeon will provide specific care instructions to it, including any limitations of precautions. 5 Recovery| Researched based study from National Institutes of Health
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