

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hernia?

A hernia is described as the protrusion of distinct internal structures by means of a weakened or torn muscle or tissue that normally keeps it in position. The majority of hernias occur within the abdominal region.

What causes a Hernia?

The causes of certain hernias may not be definitively identified, but many are attributed to increased pressure within the abdomen or a weakened area in the abdominal wall, or a combination of both factors.

  • Week abdominal wall
  • Age
  • Genetic issues
  • Body weight
  • Abdominal stress
What are the symptoms of Hernia for males and females?

Symptoms in men:

  • Bulge: A localized bulge or protrusion of tissues in a specific area of the body.
  • Discomfort: It intensifies notably when standing or in an upright position and coughing or lifting.
  • Strain: The heightened strain in the affected area.

Symptoms in women:

  • Pain: Discomfort or sharp pain and heightened pain during physical activity.
  • Burning sensation: A sensation of localized heat or burning in the affected area.
What are the complications associated with Hernia?
  • Discomfort
  • Inflammation
  • Difficult bowel movements
  • Strangulation
How to prevent of Hernia?
  • Engage in workouts with light weights, do yoga, go for walks, or participate in low-impact aerobic exercises such as swimming.
  • Avoid improper heavy lifting.
  • Prevent constipation during bowel movements by ensuring adequate hydration and maintaining a diet rich in fiber.
  • Minimize intense coughing.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
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